Module 1: Happiness and Gratitude
Are you a person who sees a glass half full? How are you helping your children to become optimistic, positive people?
First a few thoughts …. Optimism is not actually about the glass being half full as is commonly believed. Optimism refers to your belief system about how successful you think your actions are, and how effectively you can impact the world. It involves learning to think positively about the future, even when things go wrong. It’s about looking objectively at a situation and making a conscious decision to focus on the good.
This first module will encourage your children to illustrate their understanding of optimism, by reflecting on case studies and personal examples. It is important to build their resilience as optimistic people are happier and more engaged, succeed more often, and are better problem solvers. Optimists do better academically and socially and have better health than pessimists, so it makes sense to promote the skills of optimistic thinking to children. Optimists look at the flip side of negative events for some good, some hope and some reason to be positive. Recent research indicates that children learn optimism or pessimism from their experiences of success and through their interactions with parents, teachers and other significant adults.
Activity: 21 Day Happiness Habit Family Challenge
Happiness is a choice. 40% of our happiness comes from intentional daily habits. Only 10% of our happiness is to our external circumstances.
Pick one of the following five researched habits and try it out for 21 days in a row to create a positive habit. Doing so actually rewires — or trains — your brain to be more positive.
Download the 21 Day Journal
Download the 21 Day Journal in Spanish